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Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers


Phone (559) 241-0411
Address 3003 North Blackstone Avenue #206,
Fresno, CA 93703 United States


Established in 1990, Nadrich Accident Injury Lawyers is an aggressive and experienced national law firm. Our Fresno personal injury lawyers represent people injured in a variety of situations: motor vehicle (e.g., car, truck, taxi, Uber, Lyft, bus, bicycle, motorcycle, etc.) or pedestrian accidents, brain injury, slip-and-fall, and burn injury, chemical exposure, pharmaceutical drug recall, defective medical device claims, as well as wrongful death. Our personal injury attorneys have recovered in excess of $350,000,000 for our clients. We devote ourselves exclusively to representing injured accident victims in California and nationwide. We are committed to obtaining the highest monetary recovery for our clients. Call for a free consultation.

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